Goals and Missions

1. Increase of skill, ability, and performance of library users

2. Education, organization and scientific and financial support of research projects in the field of medical sciences

3. Evaluation of education activities

4. Application and development of new education methods at the level of the central library and development of electronic educations

Activities and Services

1. Needs assessing the educational requirements of faculty members, students, and specialized groups of the university 

2. Designing need educational courses in the form of workshops

3. Monitoring and guiding the students and personnel seminars and workshops

4. Informing the users about the workshops

5. Supplying the credit required to implement educational workshops

6. Expertly studying and evaluating to improve education quality

7. Cooperating with all deputies and groups of the organization to hold educational classes and seminars

8. Preparing educational brochures

9. Following the license acquisition process to hold educational courses

10. Forming and completing the characteristics form of participants to issue course participation certification

Laws and Regulations of the Central Library’s Study Hall

1. Coordination must be made by contacting the phone numbers of 3869852 and 38369850 to reserve a specific time and deliver a request letter through automation before holding a workshop. The reserve dates are valid for a maximum of 72 hours and will be invalid in case of lack of receiving the letter of the reserved dates.

2. Introducing a plenipotentiary representative for full-time attendance and acceptance of responsibilities of the study hall during the workshop period is obligatory.

3. The request must be delivered at least two weeks before the workshop date.

4. The hall can only be used during office hours (8:00-15:00 p.m.) from Saturday to Wednesday. It is also possible to hold workshops in the evening and on Thursday and Friday.

5. Equipment such as laptops, pointers, and a switch will be provided by the workshop director.

6. In case of a need for installing a specific software on the computers, an install expert must be introduced by the workshop manager at least two weeks before the workshop and with the coordination with the education expert and library information technology expert if he confirms the safety of the program. It is notable that the center disclaims responsibility for supplying and installing specific software.

7. Catering of the event must be handled by the workshop director and the center has no responsibility in this regard.

8. Registration of participants and issuance of licenses are other duties of the workshop director.

9. Systems are prepared for the coordinated program. Please do not make changes to the systems and open other pages.

10. Any change in the date or time of the workshop and the number of participants must be informed at the determined time.

11. The workshop manager is responsible for the safety of the hall equipment.

12. The center is not responsible for lost items of the participants.

13. At the end of the workshop, the systems and all of the equipment must be shut down and the hall must be given back clean.


The Reservation Process of the Study Hall

1. Coordination with the education unit by phone calls and in-person referral of applicants

2. Controlling the desired date to prevent program interference

3. Reserving the desired date of applicants

4. Applicant correspondence with the Central Library

5. Assignment and delivery of the hall to the applicant or the relevant representative on the confirmed date and supporting the hall on the workshop day


Employee Training Process

1. Proposing a course

2. Planning the content

3. Completing the 2 and 26 forms

4. Corresponding with the education headquarter regarding the proposed courses

5. Assessing the courses in the employee-empowering committee

6. Issuing the license for holding the workshop by the employee-empowering committee

7. Executive planning (coordination with the instructor, determining the date and reserving the hall, sending invitations, making a purchase request and following up the required equipment of the workshop)

8. Holding a class in the education portal of employees, confirming the class by admin, registration of participants in the education portal of employees

9. Implementing the workshop (registration of attendees, distribution and collection of the survey form)

10. Sending a letter regarding the confirmation of registration on the education portal of employees to the human resources management

11. Survey analysis and reporting

12. Preparing news and uploading news and photos of the workshop on the portal of the library and deputy

The Process of Holding Training Workshops for Students, Higher Education Students, and Assistants

1. Planning the workshop content

2. Coordinating the workshop date with instructors

3. Determining the workshop date

4. Reserving the hall

5. Sending letters to schools and training centers and informing the workshop date

6. Registering participants on Pajouhan System

7. Making a purchase request and following up the equipment required for the workshop

8. Implementing the workshop (presence of audiences at the determined time, registration of audiences, distribution, and collection of the survey form)

9. Preparing the news on the workshop and uploading the news and photos of the workshop on the portal of the library and deputy

10. Analyzing the survey and presenting a report

11. Issuing a license through Pajouhan System